Tuesday 29 March 2016

My Journey So Far

Hello everybody. I realised that I have been super quiet for the last month because of life stuff but I felt I should let you all know where I am at right now.

So, at the end of February I posted this on my Facebook Page. At this point I was waiting to see surgeons and find out what is happening with my pesky right knee.

Stay Tuned indeed!

There are complications to my knee and I have just have to wait for further doctors appointments. In the meantime I am determined to get on with my life as best I can in the situation I am in.

After being on crutches though for 5 months I was so exhausted every day I didn't do much. I am now in a wheelchair, which allows me more mobility and less pain. I am also able to be more active with less fatigue. As a result my entire workspace and crafting area is being altered to accommodate the wheelchair. So far after a week I am doing ok.

The great part is I am getting back into the swing of things and plan to have some new stuff available on my webstore very soon. I am having to have my craft desk lowered so I can use it but at least I have my computer desk sorted. It has been hard going but I am sure that things will work out in the end. Staying positive and looking forward to some creative times to share with you all.

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