Hello Hello and welcome. Please sit and sip away at your hot beverage and let me INSPIRE you with projects and ideas!
Last year I got into the Midori Traveler's Notebooks. They have been around for ages, I have just been oblivious. Midori is a brand name for a planner system from Japan, but like many things people have worked out how to make their own. The original Midori is very easy to construct which is what I did after buying a LARGE piece of leather.
Making the booklets or inserts was rather simple too. The best part being that it is all very customisable for your personal needs and requirements.
Then I found that people liked my book kits which needed to be resized to fit the dimensions of the traveler's notebook. So I bring you the next step in PRETTY Planners!

The book kits will be resized to be able to be printed off on A4 paper and turned into inserts. This one is available on the webstore for purchase and I will be making a few from time to time.
The Digital Pack is also available for download, without the ephemera. However the ephemera can be purchased separately as a download.

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